Saturday, February 15, 2020

Media and climategate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media and climategate - Research Paper Example Climatic Research Unit (CRU) is an internationally renowned research institution for climate change and global warming. The research done at CRU is globally accepted and practiced, for instance, global temperature record and other data sets.CRU was the key contributor of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report in 2007.It was a   collaboration between World Meteorological Organization(WMO) and United Nations Environment Program and considered to be the most authoritative of the likes(CNN). According to Seymour, climategate proved to be the starting point of a series of leaks that shook scientists’ long held and advocated belief that â€Å"the science is settled†. However, despite the authoritative position of CRU and far reaching impact of the leaked information, news media networks played soft on the whole incident. They seemed unshaken by the unethical course of action taken by the scientists whose claims were promoted by these networks over the years and gradually shaped public opinion. Surprisingly, since November 20, 2009, less than 10 percent of the global warming and climate change related news stories pointed towards any of the climate related scandals. The most disturbing email communication was among CRU Director Phil Jones and Penn State Scientist Michael Mann. The later is internationally renowned for his hockey stick graph of global warming which was the main feature of IPCC’s report in 2001.In e-mail Jones informed Mann that he worked on a trick to make addition in real temperature record of last 20 years in order to hide the decline. Other e-mails encourage criminal act of destroying information rather than passing them on to Freedom of Information requests(Seymour).Daily Mail(UK) reported on January 28,2010 that Information Commissioner discovered that ERU scientists are violating FOI law, but he couldn’t take legal action because of the statute of limitation(qtd. in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers - Essay Example Others performed the duty due to court-mandated work as part of the sentence from a judge. Irrelevant of the motive non-profit organizations have to promote themselves adequately to attract volunteers and financial donations. I selected an online-articled entitled How to Recruit and Retain Volunteers for further analysis of the topic. The article stated that three ways to recruit employees is by using personal contacts, going where the people are, and by getting the word out (Genv, Youth Venture, 2007). I totally agree with the strategies chosen in the article. Word of mouth advertising is priceless and the costs of implementation are minimal or nonexistent depending on the situation. Non-profit organizations have to be proactive in their marketing and recruiting initiatives. It is wise idea to formulate seminars to be present at different locations such as churches, universities, and public parks. Personal contacts can be very valuable. The manager of the non-profit organization has to use his or her network of family, friends, associates, and colleagues to directly recruit these individuals to donate some of their time. The decision maker or manager of the non-profit organization must possess excellent communication and leadership skills. The organization must also recruit volunteers from the corporate sector. Many private organizations are willing to provide support in terms of capital or manpower when non-profit organization ask for the help and are able to negotiate a deal. The second important aspect of managing volunteers is being able to retain the personnel. A list of strategies and tactics that can be used to manage volunteers to keep them motivated and happy is listed below: People that are welcoming and nice create an environment that is pleasant for the volunteer which helps keep the volunteers interested. By making the work fun the volunteers enjoy their time which helps to keep them motivated. It is important